
13 things to do in Eau Claire this fall

13 things to do in Eau Claire this fall

当布鲁戈尔德人不上课、不工作或不睡觉的时候,他们往往喜欢保持忙碌. After all, in a fun place like Eau Claire, there’s so much to do!

下面是面包师列出的在欧克莱尔独自或结伴游玩的十几个有趣的事情. 有很多地方, 活动和事情会让你探索校园和城镇, 学习新事物,看到所有的原因欧克莱尔常年列在酷, 臀部, small cities in which to live.

  1) First things first, the Blugold Welcome:

虽然旨在欢迎新学生来到校园,但几乎所有为期两周的Blugold欢迎活动都是 对所有学生开放 and they’re tailor-made 为 fun! 从McIntrye图书馆的游戏和披萨到Davies中心和Hilltop的深夜活动,再到UW Meets EC活动,向学生介绍市中心的热闹场面, there’s something 为 everyone, 所以不要错过阵容. Pro-tip: There’s a lot of free food involved! See the full list of events 为 Blugold Welcome.

  2) 摘苹果:

在中西部,没有什么比直接从树上摘下来的当地苹果的嘎吱声更能代表秋天了. With amenities like gift and specialty food shops, 户外游戏, 新鲜的苹果甜甜圈, 玻璃吹制课程, 马车之旅等等, 离校园不远的地方有许多果园,这些都是一个完美的秋日的必备条件. 有些人甚至出售完美苹果派的材料,或者已经为你烤好的苹果派! 看看欧克莱尔和奇佩瓦县的地区果园列表.

  3) Attend the Fall Festival in downtown Eau Claire

了解校园以外的城市是让你的学生经历更加愉快的好方法, 参加欧克莱尔秋季节是一个很好的开始. 定于9月9日星期六举行. 解析:选c。. 市中心的巴斯托街, the festival will offer a wide variety of music, 食品摊贩, 零售商, 表演, 孩子们的活动等等! 

Football game 为 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 in Carson Park
所有的布鲁戈尔德足球比赛都在欧克莱尔历史悠久的卡森公园提供了一个伟大的户外活动, including powerful competition on the field and, 当然, the record-setting Blugold Marching Band.

所有的布鲁戈尔德足球比赛都在欧克莱尔历史悠久的卡森公园提供了一个伟大的户外活动, including powerful competition on the field and, 当然, the record-setting Blugold Marching Band.

  4) Blugold fall athletic events

Blugold pride is contagious at UW-Eau Claire athletic events, 秋天的运动日历上满是室内和室外的活动,保证提升你的学校精神! 与朋友聚会, 让你的室友和同学们穿上你的Blugold,为你的同学加油. From football and cross country to men’s and women’s soccer, 女子排球, tennis and golf — pick a few events or attend as many as you can. Cheering loudly is good 为 the soul and our athletes love the support! See the full calendar of all fall sports.

  5) 秋天上涨

秋天的空气让阳光明媚的一天变得更加特别. You can start with a gorgeous 1.3-mile trail right here on campus, 沿着奇佩瓦河的普特南小径,从小尼亚加拉瀑布开始. 或者你也可以沿着普特南大道(Putnam Drive)漫步. Should you have transportation and a desire 为 a longer-distance trek, check out this C臀部pewa County Land Conservancy article, “10 hidden 徒步旅行 gems in the C臀部pewa Valley.”

  6) The Bloody Chocolate Factory Haunted House

One of Eau Claire’s longest-running youth organizations, the Eau Claire Ski Sprites, 也恰好是镇上最大、最恐怖的鬼屋之一, just a short walk from campus. This year's theme is "CarnEvil," a creepy carnival ride 为 sure.  The haunted house will run on weekends from Oct. 12-28. Your $13 ticket goes straight to the operations of the water ski club, and you’ll be too scared to eat your chocolate alone — sounds perfect! See haunted house dates, times, location and ticket details here.

  7) Leaf peeping — orange you glad it’s fall?

就好像威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校校园里的秋色还不够绚丽一样, 欧克莱尔和奇佩瓦山谷地区提供了一些令人难以置信的秋景,你不会想错过的. Other than perhaps the cost of a bus ride or a little gas money, these majestic views are totally free! It’s proven that a short walk out in nature is a positive mood booster, 所以带上你的南瓜拿铁和一些朋友,穿过其中一座桥, trails or river walks to soak up the colors and brighten your day! 读作“威斯康星州欧克莱尔和奇佩瓦山谷的15个最佳观赏秋色的地方.”

students at the Farmers' Market making a purchase
Whether you want to buy fresh produce or specialty foods, grab an iced coffee or admire the work of area artisans and crafters, the Eau Claire Downtown Farmers Market has you covered.

Whether you want to buy fresh produce or specialty foods, grab an iced coffee or admire the work of area artisans and crafters, the Eau Claire Downtown Farmers Market has you covered.

  8) The Eau Claire Farmers Market

无论你是想以无与伦比的价格购买一些新鲜的当地农产品, grab a hot or iced coffee while listening to live music, or admire the artwork of area artists and creatives, 欧克莱尔市区农贸市场是每周六的好去处. Through the end of October, it’s open Wednesdays and Thursdays as well, so check it out at Phoenix Park, just a 10-minute walk from the footbridge along the bike trail. 有关更多信息,请参见 Eau Claire Downtown Farmers Market.

  9) 自行车道

在威斯康辛州美妙的秋季,我们继续关注户外活动的主题, it’s the perfect time to explore the area on bikes. 市区范围内的自行车道是免费的,可以带你到城里许多令人惊叹的桥梁, including the historic and breathtaking 欧克莱尔高桥. 购买一日通票,你可以在风景优美的小径上向北或向南走30英里. Bikes can be rented by students at the Environmental Adventure Center (EAC) in Hilltop Center. The C臀部pewa River Trail guide shows the city and county trails.

Bikes and SUP boards in the EAC
环境探险中心(EAC)提供的学生租赁包括自行车, 皮艇, 桨板, 院子里游戏, 雪鞋和更多.

环境探险中心(EAC)提供的学生租赁包括自行车, 皮艇, 桨板, 院子里游戏, 雪鞋和更多.

   10) 玉米迷宫景点

Maybe one orchard stop is enough to satiate the apple cravings, but if you like getting outside, 而且离镇子有点远, 你也可以花一些时间找到你的方式进出一些惊人的玉米迷宫. Some mazes are at area orchards, 而另一些则在南瓜地甚至附近的牲畜农场发现. And if you find a corn maze, chances are you’ll also find things like 院子里游戏, 坐干草车等等. See Volume One’s list of six corn maze locations.

奥克莱尔最新的旅游景点是奇佩瓦山谷电车公司., offers a fun new (and old) way to view some of the area’s hot spots. Tickets are available online.

奥克莱尔最新的旅游景点是奇佩瓦山谷电车公司., offers a fun new (and old) way to view some of the area’s hot spots. Tickets are available online.

  11) Ride along on one of Eau Claire’s new trolley tours

今年秋天,奥克莱尔令人兴奋的新景点之一是奇佩瓦河电车公司. With a variety of tour options, 这是一个完美的方式来了解更多的城市和周围的景点,同时享受我们自己的古色古香的有轨电车美景! 这可能会很棒 家庭周末 活动或任何时候你有朋友来威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校拜访你. Learn about the C臀部pewa River Trolley Co.

  12) Sign up 为 a UW-Eau Claire fall trip adventure through the EAC

If some serious outdoor adventure is right up your alley, then look no further than the EAC at UW-Eau Claire. With six different excursions to choose from, students can select trips that focus on rock climbing, 划独木舟, 徒步旅行, 露营等等. 所有秋季旅行的费用为85美元,其中包括设备和食物. That’s a great adventure bargain! Sign up 为 an incredible guided fall adventure with the EAC.

  13) Attend or per为m at Open Mic Night at Pablo Center at the Confluence

当然, the premier regional arts center is a fantastic place to see a play, 一场音乐会, a dance per为mance or an art exhibit, 但你知道巴勃罗在每个月的第四个星期一还会举办“开放麦克风之夜”吗? 秋季有三个机会展示你在声乐或器乐方面的天赋, 喜剧, spoken work or something else. 自己拿起麦克风,或者只是欣赏当地的创意人士做他们的事情. 完全免费! See details on Pablo Open Mic Nights. 所有的活动都在晚上7点开始.m., sign-ups to take the mic begin at 6:30 p.m. 查看所有Pablo事件.


上面列出的最好的事情是,当你需要学习休息时,它真的只是一个开始, 呼吸新鲜空气, a peaceful stroll or so much more! Keep your eye on the digital displays across campus, 我们的社交媒体账户和各种校园日历,让你整个学期都有更多的乐趣. 你已经在正确的地方着陆了,既可以朝着你的学术目标奔跑,也可以在这条路上度过很多美好的时光和冒险.
